The Gleaners by Jean-Francois Millet
Farm Schedule
2021 - 2022
Roots Farm - Year at a Glance Farm Schedule
4-H Favorite Foods Day
Fruit tree pruning
Seed purchase and planning
Sourdough bread making
Soap making
Students will determine what plants to grow for our garden and to sell
Start indoor seeds (Broccoli, eggplants peppers, tomatoes)
4-H Presentation Day
Kidding season
Market animal selection
Students will prepare the soil for planting and watering
Market animal care and feeding plan
Embryology - egg incubation (starting next year’s egg layers)
Students will plant the garden
Native plant week (April 15-21) (plant sale)
Shear sheep
Farmers Markets (Redding & Anderson)
Planting of melons/pumpkins
“Be kind to animals,” Native pet week Small animal awareness and show
Shasta County Fair
Market Street Faire through July
July Summer Program
“Putting up the harvest” - Canning, jellies, baking, drying and fruit leather
Year-end presentations on projects (animals and/or produce)
August Off
Students will clean up summer crops and prep the ground for fall planting
Apple Harvest - preserving, baked goods, sauces, butters
Pumpkin harvest and sale
Petting zoo
Darkness treatment for poinsettias (8-10 weeks)
Plot planning and rotation planned
Lambing season
Poinsettias harvest
Hide tanning
Evergreen centerpiece and wreath making
Pointsettia & Christmas tree sale
Prepare greenhouse for growing season