January was a month of celebrating the culture of China. The children made dragon masks, lanterns, dumplings, learned about what constitutes a tea ceremony, attempted Chinese knots, and most importantly, learned to appreciate the differences of other peoples and cultures. We concluded our studies with a grand feast of student-prepared egg rolls, fried rice, and sweet and sour chicken.
I have not written since we opened our doors and a lot has happened since then. I was waiting for the perfect picture or words to capture just how wonderful the past five months have been, but to be completely transparent, chasing a dream is also accompanied by worry, doubt, and change. Running a farm, business, and a classroom is a tall order, but we wouldn't have it any other way.
Let me begin with our amazing families. We prayed that God would send us families he wanted here, and he sent the cream of the crop. Their support, generosity, and love never ceases to amaze us. Whether it be donations or volunteer help, they joyfully answer the call.
When we met for conferences in December, it was evident that God was using Roots to change the hearts of every one of us. One example was in our Christmas program. It was one special evening. I could attribute its success to hiring music teacher, Tania Sara, but that was just part of it. I could also argue it was the costumes made by hand by one of the parents, Katie Noll, who also stepped in to teach, but that would not explain its entirety. Or maybe it was the Millville Baptist Church loaning us its facility and Danika Adams baking dozens of Christmas treats to share with guests. Though all of those pieces made our program whole, it was the presence of the Holy Spirit that filled the church that evening that made grown men cry. Our kids felt it and delivered an exceptional performance. Although every day cannot be as special as that night was, starting each morning with a prayer and singing a hymn helps. I know for Chad and myself, our faith has grown stronger, and we are more conscious of our daily habits, thanks to Charlotte Mason.
At the core of what we do here at Roots, is clearly our heart for children. We have been moved to tears and laughter on many occasions by their sweet prayers, singing, and special moments of words, sayings, and writings they share. From our youngest members to the oldest, we truly value each and every human here.
With our waiting list growing and our space shrinking, we patiently wait for God's next move in what the future holds for Roots. We have irons in the fire for teachers to welcome on board next year, as well as a Charlotte Mason conference planned for August. One saying I used to hitch my wagon to was, "Dream Loud." The next few months will be exciting to see what lies in store for this divine idea of a Charlotte Mason sense of wonder and a homestead sense of know-how.