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Looking Back and Charging Forward

Roots Farm Education

Updated: Jun 28, 2022

Can something seem like a lifetime ago and the blink of an eye at the same time? This is what the past year feels like to us. It was a time of fullness in the experiences of joy, frustration, celebration, exhaustion, resolution, and doubt. It felt familiar and foreign at the same time. Looking back to our first prayer together on day one, to our team Olympics on the last day, makes everything in between rush together in a blur of sunrises and sunsets. Either way, our hearts swell with thankfulness. We are so proud of the moral and academic growth we have seen of our Roots children.

Charlotte Mason said, "Thought breeds thought; children familiar with great thoughts take as naturally to thinking for themselves as the well-nourished body takes to growing; and we must bear in mind that growth, physical, intellectual, moral, spiritual, is the sole end of education." One example of a worthy idea can be found in a form three member's response to the novel, Robinson Crusoe.

My valued takeaway from this wonderful novel is: "God "does not leave His creatures so absolutely destitute but that in the worst circumstances they have always something to be thankful for.," and ".... nay are even brought to their deliverance by the means by which they seemed to be be brought to their destruction, and all evils are to be considered with the good that is in them, and with what worse attends them." Fear can help the power-hungry, cruel, evil, and the rich, or save the smart, the sensible, and humble. Fear of war makes peace and the fear of God is wise. Fear can be good or bad. It all depends on one thing; do you know who wields it?

Our work has only begun. We have lassoed a big dream for our program. We not only want to continue our instruction in building a life of independence and wealth by growing and eating food of the highest nutritional density, but we aim to establish a learning environment rooted in virtue and wonder. If you have not noticed, education is in desperate need of reform, and we are bravely charting the course as pioneers. We even plan to expand our program and space into high school, so if you know of interested families, please email us for more information.

If you are curious about Charlotte Mason or look to be inspired, we are hosting a one-day conference with two women who intimately know a Charlotte Mason philosophy and how to effectively apply it to your home or life. We hope you can join us. Follow this link for tickets.

We are also holding two summer camps during the weeks of July 11th-15th and July 25th-29th. Each week will be different from the next with activities centered in summer fruits, vegetables, chickens, goats, soap-making, clay pots, poetry, music, and games.

If you would like to donate to our summer expansion, follow this link. We hope to crowdfund enough money to cover our remodeling costs.

We appreciate all of your continued love, support, and prayers.

Sincerely, Chad and Melody Fowler



530-972-3276 (FARM)

P.O. 438  Palo Cedro, California

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