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Springing Forward

Roots Farm Education

Updated: 1 day ago

This past week, I have felt a special appreciation for the beautiful views outside my home's windows. I see green pastures, blooming daffodils, and blue mountains. The trees are mostly barren from winter, but a few are beginning to bud. In a few short weeks, our yard will explode with color and life.

Just a week ago, I was teaching the children about the four seasons and the fruits and vegetables we enjoy during those times. I asked the younger classes how many liked potatoes and only a few raised their hands. Then I asked how many liked French fries and the whole class had their hands in the air. As adults, we often assume what children know and don't know. To ensure they understand what seasons provide what fruits, we're composing a "What to Plant When," book for the upcoming spring, summer, and fall.

We spend another part of our afternoon time together listening to folk songs. The song for this month is, "Dona Nobis Pacem," Latin for, "Grant us peace." It's a simple, classical piece most likely from the 16th or 17th century. The kids were astonished to discover that the song title also serves as the lyrics, for it is sung in rounds and canons. This is the beauty of having a Charlotte Mason learning center with a farm focus. As our students sow seeds for vegetable starts, they can sing rounds of peace and bless those who will purchase the plants from our annual plant sale in April. I will attach the flyer in case any of you are anxious to get your gardens started.

Plants aren't the only things growing. Roots continues to gain inquiries from parents looking for an alternative learning environment for their children. Many families are searching not only for traditional values, they are seeking a faith-based curriculum that teaches a genuine love for Christ.

Even with the promising political changes this year, some families are still not comfortable with a lot of what's happening in our culture. Music and movies have always influenced the youth in the least desirable of ways. But social media and free platforms of degeneracy have created a tsunami of confusion, addiction, and sexual deviancy.

Spending time outside, with others, reading, or creating something with one's hands, is what humans were naturally made to do. Instead, kids hang out by sitting around glued to their screens. If you're a vigilant parent and don't allow your child to have an electronic device, one afternoon spent with the wrong crowd can shatter all the protection you've put in place. This is why establishing a solid foundation of Godly principles is key in preparing for life.

At Roots, children pray each morning, sing hymns, and over the course of the week, read from the Old and New Testament as well as learn church history and spiritual transformation. Our focus is to teach children to love God first, and next to love others. We teach about who God is, both love and justice. We also focus on our habits and how we can emulate Him in our every thought, word, and action.

Roots was placed in our hearts years ago. Stepping into this role has not been the easiest of paths but has certainly been the most rewarding. A call like this isn't without doubt, worry, and stress. We are still learning and are humbled to serve our creator with every new day. We value the relationships we've built over the past four years and look forward to a bright future with Christ at the helm.



530-972-3276 (FARM)

P.O. 438  Palo Cedro, California

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